RIR-WB Project


Project development objective 

To enhance Bhutan’s capacity for risk-informed decision making and development planning in targeted sectors.

Project Components

The project has three components, 

Component A. Development and Piloting of a Multi-Hazard Risk Decision Support System (MHRDSS): This component aims to improve the availability and accessibility of national-level multi-hazard risk information, which will form the foundation for integrating risk information into targeted sectors such as construction (Component C). This component consists of (i) development of MHRDSS; (ii) capacity building and piloting of MHRDSS; and (iii) strengthening policy and institutional frameworks for Disaster Risk Management (DRM). 

Component B. Strengthening Hydro-met and agro-met Services Delivery: This component aims to strengthen (i) agrometeorological services through the operationalization of the agro-met Decision Support System (ADSS); and (ii) hydro-met and climate services through the formulation of the National Hydro-met Policy, updating of the Hydro-met Roadmap, and capacity building of National Center for Hydrology and Meteorology (NCHM) to provide medium-range weather forecasts. 

Component C. Professionalization of Construction Industry for Green and Resilient Infrastructure Development: This component aims to enhance the enabling environment and the capacity of the construction industry, including public and private sector engineers and contractors, for integrating risk information into buildings and infrastructure designs, and ensure quality of construction and operation & maintenance (O&M). This component consists of (i) strengthening policy and institutional frameworks for green and resilient infrastructure and (ii) development of a Construction Quality and Compliance Mechanism (CQCM). 

These project activities are distributed nationwide across the country with the involvement of the Department of Local Governance and Disaster Management (DLGDM), NCHM, Department of Agriculture (DOA), Department of Surface Transport (DoST), Department of Human Settlement (DHS), Policy and planning Division, Infrastructure Development Division (IDD) under Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport (MoIT); and the Bhutan Construction and Transport Authority (BCTA). 

Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) 

For the project, the GRM will be operated in two tiers (Tier one –Implementing Agency level Grievance Redress Committee and Tier two – Project Level Grievance Redress Mechanism) maintaining key principles of transparency, impartiality, and objectivity. The main objective of a GRM is to assist to resolve complaints and grievances in a timely, effective and efficient manner that satisfies all parties involved. It provides a transparent and credible process for fair, effective and lasting outcomes. It also builds trust and cooperation as an integral component of broader community consultation that facilitates corrective actions.

To address the potential negative impacts of the activities of the Project to the communities and the environment, it is particularly important to constitute the GRM for addressing any grievances arising from the implementation of project activities. Specifically, the GRM will aim to achieve the following objectives:

·        Provide affected people with avenues for making a complaint or resolving any dispute that may
·        arise during the course of the implementation of projects;
·        Ensure that appropriate and mutually acceptable redress actions are identified and implemented to
·        the satisfaction of complainants; and
·        Avoids the need to resort to judicial proceedings.

GRM form and contact information is  attached here.

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